Evaluation - Audience
Who would be the audience for your media product?
ln order to assess our potential audience, we decided to research what sort of people would be interested in action/thriller films. Generally speaking, action/thriller films are targeted at young men aged about 12 - 30. Since our film is a 12, it is less likely that people younger than that will watch our film. However, we decided to do our own research to see how true this would be. Below are our findings from the surveys, with the surveys themselves below them.
These findings confirm the belief that males prefer action/thrillers more than females do, which is shown by the fact that 9 males listed action or thriller as their favourite genre compared to 5 females. However, the result for age was different than expected, as the age for both genders is very spread out. One interesting feature is that thrillers are enjoyed much more than action (6 more total), which suggests that the combination of the two genres is likely to attract a larger audience than action films alone. Indeed, thrillers seem to be the most popular genre for both genders. This suggests that our film would have a large and varied audience of all ages, although there would be more males than females.
How did you attract/address your audience?

Another way that we could potentially attract an audience could be by producing a trailer showing some of the good (but obviously not best) moments of our film. We would need to intrigue them in a way that would make them want to come to our film, but without giving the whole plot away as some trailers do. This would be a good way to captivate an audience and draw them to our film.
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