Thursday 10 December 2015



We decided that our film should be set in an urban location, which fits in with our genre. We decided that the opening scene would be set in the spy's living quarters, which the assassin has broken into and searched. We decided that the spy would be living on his own, due to his dangerous profession, and would probably not be very rich. He would also want to live in an inconspicuous place that is easy to miss. We therefore decided that the spy would be living in a small flat in an ordinary neighbourhood.

A friend of Crystal's was willing to let us use his flat, and it is the ideal place to film. It is relatively small and fairly homely, plus we have permission to cause a mess. The area around it is also very normal and unextraordinary, and there is an alley way that can be used during our film. Below are some pictures taken of the location.



     In our film

Most of our film is going to take place in the living room, as this is the largest space in the flat. We are going to film it in the wall opposite the window (shown in the left photo) as there is a door there that the Assassin can come out of. For the starting continuous shot, we are going to go from the window to the door to the living room, covering most of the room. Below is a plan of how that will look in our film.

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